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Swasey, Sylvia

High School Graduation

Name: Sylvia Swasey
Room: 2G
Grade Level: 3rd Grade Teacher
Phone Number: 360-709-7234
Professional Biography
I graduated from Olympia High School in 1985.  I graduated from University of Utah in Elementary Education in 1994.  And I finally earned my Master's degree in Elementary Mathematics in 2020!  I taught kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade in Utah.  My return to teaching was as a Title One Math Interventionist for 1st - 6th grade here at Peter G.  But I LOVE my current assignment - 3rd grade!
8:40-9:00 Zoom Morning Meeting - all
9:00-3:10 work through classwork slides: reading, writing, math, science/art/social studies
12:40-1:20 Thursdays only - Zoom with a Specialist!
Please drop in during my Open Zoom times if you have any questions on the assignments or just want to say hello!
10:00-10:15 Open Zoom
11:00-11:15 Open Zoom
12:00-12:15 Open Zoom (not Wednesday)
2:00-2:15  Open Zoom (not Wednesday)
First Zoom Meeting with 2020-2021 students!  (Not all are in the photo but we have ironed out the technology glitches!) 
1st Zoom Meeting!
My 3rd graders from 2019-2020!
2019-2020 students!
First Day of School - 2018-19!
First Day of School!
 2017-2018  Frindle Class Photo
Class %22Frindle%22 Picture Day