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Shaner, Jenifer


Name: Jenifer Shaner 
Grade Level: 1st Grade Teacher 
Phone Number: (360) 709-7212
Professional Biography
I received by Bachelor's degree from Central Washington University and went on to complete my master's degree at City University.  I began my teaching career in the Tacoma School District in 1986.  After my year in Tacoma I was hired by the Tumwater School District to teach first grade at Peter G. and have been here ever since.  I have known I wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember.  I grew up in Tumwater and have great memories of my days as a student.  I have a wonderful family with my husband and a son and daughter.  I enjoy being outdoors, camping, traveling and being with family.
8:40-10:00 School begins, morning message, number corner, ELA
10:00-10:15 Recess
10:15-10:30 Snack
10:30-11:15 ELA
11:15-11:55 Lunch/Recess
11:55-1:25 Math
1:25-1:40 Recess
1:40-2:25 Specialist
 2:25-3:05          Social Studies/Science/Choice Reading